Helping people with disabilities flourishThe Starling provider network is made up of more than 100 local organizations working together to ensure every Missourian with a disability has access to the support they need to live their best life in the community of their choice. Starling celebrates the power of community coming together and the idea of an individual taking flight. Starling's provider network supports individuals with disabilities throughout their lifetime by offering a myriad of services.Including: Community living services are home and community-based supports that assist a person with a disability to live their best life. These services are dedicated to keeping people with intellectual and developmental disabilities out of institutional settings and integrated in the community through access to individualized supported living, semi-independent apartment programs, and group homes. Community employment services help each person with a disability find and succeed in the perfect job for them. These programs connect individuals with competitive, integrated employment opportunities offering fair wages. Services include skills training, job development, job placement, job coaching, employee support, and even disability benefit management and financial planning.